So here is my first blog as part of the Charlton Live team, Mr Finch is currently leading the team on that front and I have been thinking for a while now that I should put my thoughts into words.

Let’s be clear, I’m no journalist therefore my grammar and spelling since leaving school have both taken dive so you may have to bare with me.

Firstly I want to take us back to January, we had a cold winter but during that period we were warmed up by the news that the new Charlton board had appointed Chris Powell as the new Charlton manager to the delight of many including myself. At this time we were in a strong league position and playoffs were looking likely, and I spoke to the Charlton Live team via Skype explaining I was pleased but also hesitatant at the same time.

This news was then followed up by the signing of Bradley Wright-Phillips, a proven goal scorer, things were looking good! And they were good for the first four games, the remainder of the season did not go so well and we even lost to Exeter in front of a big crowd.

Whilst things on the pitch may not have been so great, things off it for me were flying. I had become part of the Charlton Live team, setup the wordpress site, become a part of the new Saturday show and had taken time to interview fans outside the ground.

So on one point it was a poor few months, but on the other side of the coin I was loving it and still am.

So let’s forward to Woking, the second pre-season game I have seen (EVER). By the start of the season I would have seen 4 friendlies. At Woking I joined Peter Finch and Terry Smith in the press area assisting with the build-up. I have to say anyone who thinks doing commentary is easy is WRONG, Terry as the front man and Pete as the summariser works, unfortunately for Terry he has to always have something to say and be quick with the players names.

Seeing them in action has shown me what is required, and I’m not so sure I could do it. I’ll stick to the build-up and end of the games, that’s if they will have me again!

During the game I tweeted the action and that was also a learning curve, the guys who do it such as the CAFC press team deserve everyone’s respect. It’s hard to keep an eye on the action whilst also typing and making it relevant. I was tweeting using the Charlton Live twitter account and during that time it gained over 100 extra followers, I’d also like to thank everyone who sent messages of thanks and praise. Genuinely appreciated.

The title of this post is called my thoughts, so I guess I had better get round to explaining them!

So there is a rumour that Chris Powell has seven games to prove himself? Some say give him until January, I say why are people already thinking like this? I know the last few seasons have been poor, but what good does it do to expect the worse? Certain internet forums and twitter are full of people who just like to moan, it does not seem to matter what the club does they can always see a slight negative in their actions.

I’m not saying you should always agree, but let the season start before making concrete decisions on players and the manager. I have seen Hayes play twice now, against Welling and Woking. Personally I feel that he did not have the best two games, but I’m not going to slate him or shout that Powell has made a bad  choice. Nope I’m going to give him time, lets be honest he did not play much during the second half of last season.

I want to think positive!

The new players who have stood out for me so far, Stephens, Boven, Green and Hollands. Exisiting squad players and youth who for me have shone, Francis (i know but his crossing was top form again) and Mambo at the back. Big and solid.

Only one player from last years sqaud has dissapointed me and that is Waggy, he does have good pace but once he gets down that wing his crossing lets him down. Which is probably why Francis looked so good against Woking.

It is hard to judge players on such brief appearances, tomorrow night against the Dutch will give us a better view of things to come. Am I being taken by a wave of optimisum? Maybe, but why the hell not!

As things on the pitch get better for the mighty reds things off it will get better for Charlton Live, more ideas, more hard work which will ineveitably pay off. Join me in wishing the players and managers a successful campaign, bring on the 2011/12 season.

It’s going to be a good one!

PSF Steel

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